About us
We are a family that all have dyslexia, our son has both dyslexia and language disorder.
This is not a scientific site but a site where we can help each other with our experiences. We parents found out at the age of 20 and 25 respectively. Our whole schooling was tough with misunderstanding. One of us had some help although they didn’t know what it was. The other of us got no help at all.
Our children also got dyslexia, but one of them also got a language disorder. We had a fair grasp of dyslexia, but language disorder and dyslexia were, on the other hand, something completely different. Can’t say that we have a handle on the situation yet, but a little better than what we had when the diagnosis came. At the moment we don’t know if any of our parents have it, but in the future we might find out.
It was tough not being able to understand your child when he couldn’t make himself understood. Speech did not come until the age of five.
Where we live, you are not allowed to do a dyslexia investigation until you are in third grade. When you apply, it takes two years to be allowed to do one, so already in the first year, an investigation was applied for both children. So when he started in the third grade, it was done and then we also got a general language disorder. This was not what we were prepared for so we searched for information and there was very little about language disorders in particular.
Once we had received the report, we sent it to the school. We thought the school would help. Oh, oh, oh, how we were wrong. The school was looking for places to put him in the special school. We found out later and the headmaster didn’t even find the diagnosis in the papers even though it was on the first page. How do you get them to find it when you even show where it says?
The contact with the school has always meant that they should put him in a special school, even the teachers and the special education teacher pestered us to do an investigation for a special school.
The school recommended bringing in a school psychologist and we had no good experience with psychologists. They delayed contacting the school psychologist so we did it on our own. It was a shame we didn’t do it sooner. The school psychologist was absolutely wonderful.
The school psychologist and my child met and the school psychologist said that he does not fit in a special school, but that it is the school that does not do what is needed. It was nice to get some confirmation that you have thought correctly. Later it came out that the school both tolerates strangulation of children, it’s not that dangerous according to teachers and principal. This was in middle school.
Our second child had a hard time accepting that he had dyslexia. It wasn’t something he wanted to embrace at first, but has accepted it more and more.